Gudeg in Java language called gudheg is a traditional food typical of the Special Region of Yogyakarta/ Yogyakarta and the area around the Central Java. Gudeg is cuisine made or- based young jack fruit cooked with a mixture of coconut milk, and usually presented along with rice, with extra sauce thick coconut milk( areh), chicken, chicken eggs, know bacem along with chili fries krecek.
Behind the pleasure and tasty of this cuisine, it takes a very long time can be up for hours to process dishes warm this. The materials as well as seasoning to make warm:
★ 1 kg young Jack fruit but do not use the very young, jack fruit cut
★12 eggs boiled( peeled skin shell to be more pervasive marinade)
★1000 ml coconut water
★1 teaspoon vinegar
★ 10 bay leaves
★ 8 slices ginger with the size
★ 8cm sliced crosswise
★ 200 grams of brown sugar, slice/ comb smooth
★ 2000 ml coconut milk, make a result of grated
1 coconut
spices mashed:
☆15 cloves garlic red
☆10 cloves garlic
☆4 ½ teaspoon coriander
☆salt taste
How To Make Gudeg Complete Typical Yogyakarta:
》Prepare the pot with pedestal thick, place the bay leaves at the base pan as a pedestal, then on it put slices ginger or laos. Then insert into the pot with the order cut into pieces jack fruit young, eggs that have been boiled, as well as brown sugar.
》》 Mix spices that has been smoothed the previous 500ml coconut water or vinegar, stir up to flat and soluble and then pour into the pot.
》》》Add to taste of coconut water as high surface of the jack fruit and eggs until the submerged. Close the pot with the meeting, cook all the ingredients in the pot over medium heat and very expected should never once opened the lid before 2 hours. Once cooked for 2 hours, open lid. If the water has been reduced slightly after cooked, lift up in advance their eggs and set aside anywhere else while in order not destroyed.
》》》》Please insert a coconut milk, stir- stir by using a wooden spoon while holding- press to destroy the pieces of jack fruit. Reinsert the eggs had already separated until a little bit buried into the jack fruit.
》》》》》Then cook again with mengguaan low heat stirring occasionally until really mature, it takes for about 3 ½ hours or when coconut milk out absorbed and warm already colored reddish brown.
》》》》》》Serve warm Yogyakarta with the casting areh or gravy opportunistic chicken sufficiently thick on the warm jack fruit
Indonesian Authentic Recipe: Gudeg Jogja
by IcLoNesiA , at 7:38 PM , have 0
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